Okay, first off I want to say that I have seriously downloaded no less than 25 checklist apps to my phone before deciding to stick with this one, so that should say a lot! I love how beautiful and simple this app is, and I love love love the fact that you get a "clean" list every day with just your current todos on it (not a big old list of overdues). It seems like such a basic thing to have a checklist app include and yet, finding an app that offered that was almost impossible! I had things like "exercise" and "feed the pet" on my daily to do list, and it was beyond pointless to have to view past days of unchecked tasks that were void if you missed a day anyway.. sooo, I love that this app focuses on your clean new crisp to dos. I also love that it moves your checked items to the bottom of the list and shows them checked off but doesnt deleted them. I love the option to have repeating tasks, and that it gives you different time incriments of when to repeat. I LOVE being able to manage the list from your desktop!I enjoy that this is a pretty clean, simple app, however, there are a couple things I wish this app did that it doesnt do.. I would love this app if you could have the option to sort your todo tasks alphabetically (without going in and doing that manually each day), and I wish there was an option to view a calendar so I could easily view a day to make a special task list.. Those are really my only two things that keep this from being the perfect checklist app though.. I really like it, and I think its far better than most the checklist apps on the market, and you really cant beat the price! Simple, easy, beautiful and functional app!
CamDesigns about Today - Task Manager